Leitz Z-3000


Revitalise your indoor air with the Leitz Z-3000 air purifier, which uses advanced technologies to remove 99.97% of airborne particles for a fresher and healthier environment.


Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is a great solution to keep the air clean and healthy in your home or office. Having clean air has become very important for our health and well-being due to the increasing pollution and allergens in the air. Therefore, investing in an air purifier has become essential to maintain a healthy environment in our living and working spaces. The Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is a reliable and efficient device that can help you achieve this goal.

The Leitz Z-3000 comes with a range of features that make it stand out from the rest. One of the main features is its powerful HEPA filter that can effectively capture almost 99% of airborne particles such as allergens, dust, smoke, and bacteria. The filter can also remove unpleasant odors, making the air you breathe fresher and healthier. Furthermore, the Leitz Z-3000 purifier has a unique carbon filter that captures volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as chemicals and pollutants found in cleaning products, paints, and household furnishings.

Another advantage of the Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is its quiet operation. The device has a powerful motor and a high air-cleaning capacity, but it operates silently, so it won’t disturb your activities or sleep. Moreover, the purifier has a convenient automatic mode that adjusts the air-cleaning system according to the air quality in the room. This feature makes it energy efficient and helps save money on your electricity bills.

The Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is also equipped with other impressive features such as a digital display that shows the air quality level and a timer that can be set to automatically turn off the device after a certain period. The purifier is also portable and can be easily moved around your home or office, making it versatile and practical.

In conclusion, the Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is a reliable and efficient device that offers many useful features to keep the air clean and healthy. It is a practical solution for those who suffer from allergies, asthma, or breathing difficulties. Additionally, the device is easy to operate and maintain, making it an excellent investment for your family’s health and well-being.

Leitz Z-3000 properties

Product name Z-3000
Brand Leitz
Type Air Purifier
Features Display, Timer, UV Light
Functions Air Purification
Incl. Filters Carbon Filter, HEPA Filter
Operating Area (m²) 70 m²
Max. Noise Level 66 dB
Min. Noise Level 32 dB
Power consumtion 68 W

Additional information


Product type


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Incl. Filters


Operating Area

Max. Noise Level

Min. Noise Level

Power consumtion


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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the recommended filter replacement schedule for my Leitz Z-3000 air purifier?

The recommended filter replacement schedule for your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier depends on a few factors, including how often you use it and the quality of air in your environment. Generally, most manufacturers recommend replacing the filters every 6 months to ensure optimal performance and maintain the highest level of air quality. However, this is only a guideline and you should also refer to the user manual that came with your specific model for the exact recommendation provided by Leitz.

If you notice any decrease in the air purifier's efficiency or if you are experiencing any unpleasant odors despite regular use, it might be time to replace the filters even if they have not reached their recommended replacement period. Remember that maintaining good indoor air quality is essential for your health and well-being, so make sure to keep an eye on your air purifier's performance and replace its filters according to the manufacturer's recommendations or as needed.

"How do I properly maintain my Leitz Z-3000 air purifier to ensure optimal performance?"

To ensure optimal performance of your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier, it is essential to follow these maintenance tips:

1. Change the HEPA filter every 6-12 months or as needed depending on usage. The filter should be changed more frequently if you have pets or are smoking inside the room. To replace the filter, turn off and unplug the unit, remove the old filter, and install the new one according to the manufacturer's instructions. Clean the pre-filter every 30 days or as needed depending on usage. This pre-filter catches larger particles such as pet hair, dust, and debris that can clog the main filter. To clean, turn off and unplug the unit, remove the pre-filter, and gently shake out any dirt or debris. Use a soft brush to remove any stubborn particles, then rinse with water and allow it to dry completely before reinstalling. Wipe down the exterior of the air purifier with a damp cloth regularly to keep it clean and free from dust. Be sure to unplug the unit first to avoid electrical shock. Keep the area around the air purifier clear of obstructions that could restrict airflow. This will ensure maximum efficiency in cleaning the air. Avoid placing the air purifier near sources of moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens, as this can damage the electrical components. By following these maintenance tips, you can help ensure that your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier operates at its best and effectively removes pollutants from the air in your home or office.

How do I properly maintain and clean my Leitz Z-3000 air purifier to ensure optimal performance and longevity?

To properly maintain and clean your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier, follow these steps:

1. Refer to the user manual for specific instructions on maintenance and cleaning procedures for your model of air purifier. Change the filter regularly according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This will typically be every 6 months to a year, depending on usage. Wipe down the exterior surfaces of the air purifier with a damp cloth and mild soap solution as needed to remove dust and grime. Be sure to avoid getting water inside the unit. Check the pre-filter for signs of wear or damage. If it appears worn or dirty, replace it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Clean the fan and interior components of the air purifier by vacuuming them with a soft brush attachment. This will help prevent buildup of dirt and debris that could impact performance. Inspect the power cord for any signs of damage, such as fraying or cracks. If you notice any issues, stop using the unit immediately and contact Leitz customer support for assistance. Store the air purifier in a clean and dry location when not in use to prevent the buildup of dust and moisture. Consider investing in an air purifier cover or dust protector to help further protect the unit from dirt and debris. By following these maintenance and cleaning steps, you can ensure optimal performance and longevity for your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier. Remember always to refer to the user manual for specific instructions on maintaining your particular model of air purifier.

"How do I properly maintain and clean the filters on my Leitz Z-3000 air purifier?"

To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier, it's crucial to perform regular filter maintenance and cleaning. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Turn off the air purifier: Before beginning any maintenance or cleaning tasks, make sure that the unit is switched off at the power source. This will prevent accidents and ensure your safety. Remove the old filters: Locate the filter compartment, which may be located on the back or bottom of the unit, depending on the model. Gently remove the old filters by sliding them out of their slots or lifting them off the retaining clips. Be careful not to damage the filters or the unit itself. Wash the filters: Fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild detergent, such as dish soap. Gently scrub the filters using a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that has accumulated on them. Rinse thoroughly with clean water until all the soap is removed. Dry the filters: Lay the filters flat on a clean towel and let them air dry completely before reinstalling them in the unit. This usually takes several hours, depending on the humidity level in your environment. Make sure that the filters are completely dry to prevent mold growth or odor issues. Replace the filters: Once the filters are fully dry, slide them back into their slots or clip them into place. Ensure that they're properly aligned and secured to avoid any air leaks or performance issues. Check the filter replacement schedule provided by the manufacturer to determine how often you should replace the filters based on usage and environmental factors. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Leitz Z-3000 air purifier is operating at peak efficiency, removing contaminants from the air and improving indoor air quality for a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

What is the operating area for Leitz Z-3000?

The operating area can tell us if the air purifier is right for us.

Features in Leitz Z-3000

The first thing to note about an air purifier is its functions and features. Leitz Z-3000 has just few features like display or timer. . If you want to look at other devices with air purification check it here. Full list of features and functions of this air purifier you can find in the description above.