Steba BM 2


Make freshly made bread with ease in your own home with the Steba BM 2 breadmaker – the ultimate baking solution for your kitchen.


Steba BM 2 Breadmaker is a great kitchen appliance if you are fond of baking bread. This breadmaker makes the entire bread making process easy and convenient. The BM 2 is a popular choice among homeowners who want to enjoy fresh and warm bread baked at home.

The Steba BM 2 bread maker offers a lot of features that make it stand out from other bread makers available in the market. One of the key features of this machine is the integrated automatic yeast dispenser. This feature ensures that the yeast is added at the right time and in the right amount, which results in a perfectly risen and delicious loaf of bread.

The BM 2 comes with 12 different baking programs, which means you can bake a variety of bread recipes. Whether you want to make a simple loaf of white bread or experiment with some sweet bread swirl, this machine has got you covered. The different baking programs include basic, French, whole wheat, sweet, quick, gluten-free, and more.

Another great feature of the Steba BM 2 is the delay timer. This feature allows you to set the machine to start at a later time, which means you can prep the ingredients before going to bed, set the timer, and wake up to the aroma of fresh bread in the morning. This feature is particularly useful if you want to have fresh bread ready in the morning for breakfast.

The BM 2 also features a non-stick baking pan, which makes it easy to clean, and prevents the bread from sticking to the pan. The breadmaker also has a large viewing window, which allows you to monitor the baking process to ensure that the bread is baking as expected.

To sum up, the Steba BM 2 Breadmaker is a great investment for any home baker who is looking to make fresh and delicious bread at home. Its automatic yeast dispenser, different baking programs, delay timer, and non-stick baking pan make the bread making process easy and convenient. Give it a try and enjoy the taste of freshly baked bread.

Breadmaker with 600W, Hold warm function, Rap

Steba BM 2 properties

Product name BM 2
Brand Steba
No. of loaf sizes 3.0
Power 600 W
No. of settings 17
Features Browning control, Gluten free mode, Hold warm function, Jam and compote mode, LCD display, Rapid bake program, Timer, Viewing window
Height 290 mm
Depth 260 mm
Width 350 mm
Weight 5.7 kg

Additional information


No. of loaf sizes


No. of settings


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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I troubleshoot my Steba BM 2 bread maker if the dough doesn't knead properly?

Here are some steps you can follow to troubleshoot your Steba BM 2 bread maker in case the dough isn't kneading properly:
1. Check the dough consistency: The dough should be soft and elastic, but not too sticky or too dry. If it's too wet, you may need to add a little bit of flour; if it's too dry, you can add a little bit of water. Make sure the dough hook is properly attached: Ensure that the dough hook is securely attached to the bread maker's shaft. Check whether the hook has come off or is loose. If so, tighten it or replace it with another one. Verify that the machine's kneading function is working: Press and hold the "Start/Stop" button for three seconds until you hear a beep sound. This will activate the machine's diagnostic mode. Look for the "KNEAD" icon, which should blink three times when the machine enters the diagnostic mode. If the icon doesn't appear or isn't blinking, there might be an issue with the kneading function. Inspect the dough hook and shaft: Check whether there is any obstruction, like dough residue or debris, stuck in the dough hook or shaft that might prevent proper kneading. If necessary, clean the components thoroughly to ensure they are working correctly. Ensure that the machine's gears aren't damaged: Remove the bread pan and inspect the gears inside the machine. Look for any signs of damage or wear and tear that might affect the kneading process. If you notice any issues, contact Steba's customer support for further assistance. I hope these tips help you resolve your dough-kneading issue.

"How do I properly measure and add ingredients into the pan for baking bread using Steba BM 2?"

To ensure the best results when making bread using the Steba BM 2 machine, here's a guide on how to properly measure and add your ingredients:

1. Measure out your flour - Use a scale to weigh your flour accurately. Flour can vary in density, so it's essential to be precise for consistent results. For each loaf, aim for around 500-600g of flour. Add the salt and yeast - After adding your flour to the mixing bowl, sprinkle a tablespoon or two of salt (around 10g) and an envelope of dry yeast (usually around 7g). Make sure these ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the flour. Pour in water - Gradually add water to the mix while stirring constantly with a spatula. Use enough water to bring the dough together but not too much that it becomes sticky. Aim for about 320-380ml of water per loaf, depending on the flour's absorbency. Knead the dough - Once all ingredients are added, use the Steba BM 2 machine to knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. The machine will do this automatically for you, so sit back and relax while it works its magic!

5. Let the dough rise - After kneading, place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a damp towel or cling film, and let it rest in a warm spot for about an hour until it has doubled in size. This step is essential to allow the yeast to activate and the gluten to develop, resulting in a light and fluffy loaf. Shape the dough - Once the dough has risen, punch it down gently to release any air pockets. Knead it again for a few minutes and shape it into a round or oval loaf. Place it back in the machine's proofing basket or onto a floured surface to rest for another 30-45 minutes until it has puffed up slightly. Bake the bread - Preheat your oven to 220°C (425°F) and place a tray of boiling water in the bottom of the oven. Carefully transfer the dough into the machine's baking pan, making sure it's evenly spaced from the sides. Bake for around 30-35 minutes until the crust is golden brown. Remove the bread from the machine and let it cool on a wire rack before slicing and serving. Remember to always clean your machine thoroughly between uses to prevent any carryover of flavours or odours.

What is the main feature of Steba BM 2?

The most interesting feature of Steba BM 2 is backing of course and browning control. The other functions of this device are gluten free mode, hold warm function, jam and compote mode, lcd display, rapid bake program, timer, viewing window. If you want to know more about the possibilities offered by the bread maker, check out our article What can I do with breadmaker?

Is the capacity of the Steba BM 2 bread machine enough?

The maximum capacity is the amount of ingredients the bread machine can handle to knead and bake the dough. If you want to know, Steba BM 2 max capacity is not the bigest on the market. The bigest capacity of bread makers on the market is 5.0 kg. Check the bigest bread machines in our shop. For a better overview of the subject, see the other breadmakers with the same capacity as Steba BM 2.

How many different sizes of loaves can be made with the Steba BM 2?

You can make 3.0 kinds of loaf sizes with this device. For more bread makers with the same numbers of loaf sizes check our offer.

How many settings has Steba BM 2?

The number of settings can tell us a lot about the device. For example, this bread maker has 17 programs. If you want to see other devices with that number of settings click here.