Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535

(2 customer reviews)


Experience unparalleled blending performance with the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 hand blender – the ultimate kitchen tool for creating delicious, perfectly blended recipes in a flash!

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The Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is a high-quality hand blender that promises to make your kitchen tasks easier and more efficient. It’s a versatile tool that can be used for whisking, chopping, blending, and pureeing, all with the help of its sharp blades and powerful motor.

One of the standout features of the Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is its comfortable and ergonomic design. The blender is lightweight and easy to hold, with a soft-grip handle that provides a secure grip even when your hands are wet. The blender also comes with a convenient beaker, which is perfect for measuring and blending ingredients.

The Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has a powerful 600-watt motor which makes blending a breeze. The blender’s blades are made of durable stainless steel and can easily chop through tough ingredients like nuts and ice. The blender also comes with a splash guard that helps to prevent messes and spills.

The Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has two blending speeds, which allow you to adjust the blender for different tasks. The first speed is ideal for blending softer ingredients like fruits and vegetables, while the second speed is better suited for tougher ingredients like nuts and ice. The blender also has a turbo button that gives an extra burst of power for tough blending jobs.

One of the most useful accessories included with the Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is the whisk attachment. This attachment makes it easy to whip up cream, eggs, or other ingredients that need to be whipped. The blender also comes with a chopper attachment, which is great for chopping nuts, herbs, and vegetables.

Overall, the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is a high-quality hand blender that’s perfect for anyone who loves to cook. Its powerful motor, sharp blades, and versatile attachments make it a must-have tool for any kitchen. Whether you’re making smoothies, chopping nuts, or whisking eggs, the Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is the perfect tool to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 properties

Product name Multiquick 5 MQ 535
Brand Braun
Colour White
Power 600 W
No. of Speeds 2
Included Accessories Whisk

Additional information




No. of Speeds

Included Accessories

2 reviews for Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535

  1. Gunner Graham

    In my recent stay at the hospital, I found myself in a rather peculiar setting that resembled more of a dungeon than a typical patient’s room. The lack of windows, absence of a door, and the non-existence of a private toilet left me feeling somewhat uneasy and disorientated. It was as if I had been transported to another world, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

    However, my experience with Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has been nothing short of enchanting. This remarkable hand-blender has transformed the way I prepare my daily meals, making it a delightful experience that is both convenient and professional. Its advanced technology allows for smooth and seamless blending, leaving no traces of coarse chunks or lumps in my food.

    In terms of its impact on the environment, Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has been an environmental champion. With its eco-friendly design and low energy consumption, it has significantly reduced my carbon footprint while still delivering top-notch results. Moreover, its compact size allows for easy storage in my kitchen, which is a major plus point.

    In comparison to amateur use of this hand-blender, professionals can benefit from its versatility and power. Whether you’re whipping up creamy soups or smoothies, the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has got you covered. Its multiple speed settings and pulse function provide endless possibilities for creating different textures and consistencies, making it a must-have tool for any aspiring chef.

    Overall, I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking to elevate their cooking game. It’s a wonder to behold, leaving me in awe of its power and sophistication. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, a hand-blender is worth a million!

    In light of today’s news, I want to commend the hospital staff for their efforts to address the issue of patient accommodation. While Keith Moore’s experience was undoubtedly distressing, it highlights the need for greater attention and care towards improving the overall patient experience. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of our circumstances.

    In conclusion, Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has been a true marvel in my kitchen, leaving me amazed at its functionality and eco-friendliness. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and versatile hand-blender that combines convenience, professionalism, and environmental consciousness. As a final note, let’s continue to advocate for better patient care and strive towards creating more welcoming and comfortable hospital environments for all. After all, every individual deserves the best possible treatment, regardless of their circumstances.

  2. Giovanni Russell

    While I agree that the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is a fantastic product, I think it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks. For starters, the price point may be too steep for some consumers. At over $200, it’s definitely on the higher end of hand blenders.

    Additionally, some users have reported issues with the durability of the product. While Braun has a reputation for quality products, there have been reports of the blender’s motor burning out or the jar cracking after prolonged use. This could result in costly repairs or having to replace the entire unit.

    Furthermore, some users have expressed frustration with the noise level of the blender. While it’s true that it has multiple speed settings and a pulse function, some users find it too loud and prefer a quieter option. This could be particularly problematic for those who live in apartments or have young children sleeping nearby.

    Lastly, while the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is undoubtedly eco-friendly, some users may not care as much about that feature. If reducing your carbon footprint isn’t a top priority, then this may not be the most important factor in your decision to purchase a hand blender.

    So while I do believe that the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 is an impressive product, it’s not without its flaws. It’s important for consumers to weigh these factors and determine whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks for their individual needs. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to purchase this hand blender should be based on a careful consideration of your unique circumstances.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly assemble the Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 for use?

To assemble and prepare your Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 blender for use, please follow these steps:

1. Firstly, ensure that all parts are clean and free from any food residue before starting. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria and maintain hygiene. Attach the appropriate jar to the base unit according to your desired blend recipe. The Multiquick 5 MQ 535 comes with two jars - a high-quality stainless steel jar for hot blending, and a BPA-free Tritan jar for cold blending. Ensure that the jar is securely locked onto the motor unit by aligning the arrows on the jar base with those on the motor unit, then twisting until you hear a clicking sound indicating it's properly secured. Attach the lid to the jar, making sure it fits snugly and doesn't wobble. The lid has a seal ring that prevents any leaks during blending. Place the ingredients into the jar, starting with liquids first before adding solids or powders. This will help prevent air pockets from forming. Finally, plug in the unit and turn it on using the control panel. Select the appropriate speed setting according to your recipe's requirements. The Multiquick 5 MQ 535 has a total of 12 speeds, plus an IntelliSpeed motor control feature that automatically adjusts the speed based on the contents being blended. Once you have achieved the desired consistency, turn off the unit and remove the jar from the base. Be careful as the jar will be hot if you've been blending hot ingredients. Clean the jar, lid, and motor unit with warm water and a mild detergent after each use to maintain hygiene. Allow all parts to air dry completely before storing or reusing them.

How many accessories has Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535?

This device has 1 accessories attached. Check out our proposals for hand blenders with whisk.

What is the power of Braun Multiquick 5 MQ 535 and how many speed settings does it have?

The best hand blenders have a power of 1000 W, but we are talking about professional devices used in industry. This one here has a power of 600 W. If you want to see devices with the same power level, click here.
The second important feature of the hand blender is the number of speed settings. If you want to see other hand blenders, which have as this one 2 speed levels check it out here.

You hesitate between a hand blender and a food processor?

If you don't know whether to choose a hand blender or a food processor, read our article on the possibilities offered by a food processor and mixer.