Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan

(2 customer reviews)


Get the Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan air purifier today to enjoy a purified and cool air experience in any space!


If you’re looking for a talented desk fan and air purifier in one, look no further than the Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan. This sleek and compact device packs a punch when it comes to keeping your workspace clean and cool.

One of the biggest advantages of this desk fan is its HEPA air filter, which can effectively capture 99.97% of allergens and pollutants as small as 0.3 microns. This means that you can breathe easy knowing that harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, and even volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from cleaning products are being removed from the air you’re breathing.

In terms of cooling power, the Pure Cool Me has ten different speed settings to choose from. The focused air stream feature allows you to direct the cool air precisely where you need it, making it ideal for hot summer days or when you’re feeling particularly warm inside.

The device is also incredibly user-friendly, with a simple one-button interface that controls both the fan and filter functions. It’s also easy to clean, with both the filter and the body of the fan being easy to wipe down.

One potential drawback to the Dyson Pure Cool Me is its price tag, which is significantly higher than other purely cooling fans on the market. However, if you value both air quality and cooling power, this device could be worth the investment.

All in all, the Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan is a fantastic addition to any personal workspace. With its combination of cooling power and effective air filtration, it’s a must-have for anyone concerned about their health and comfort.

Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan properties

Product name Pure Cool Me Desk Fan
Brand Dyson
Type Air Purifier
Features Display, Remote controlled, Timer
Functions Air Purification, Cooling Functionality
Incl. Filters Carbon Filter, HEPA Filter
Fan Speed Levels 10
Max. Noise Level 59 dB
Min. Noise Level 44 dB
Height 40.0 cm
Width 25.0 cm
Depth 25.0 cm
Weight 2.8

Additional information


Product type


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Incl. Filters


Fan Speed Levels

Max. Noise Level

Min. Noise Level





2 reviews for Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan

  1. Destiny

    Ah, you’re considering investing in an air purifier, my friend! Well, let me tell you all about them – and why the Carbon Filter in our Dyson Puré Cool Me Desk Fan is just what the doctor ordered for a doctor living in Odessa. But first, let’s talk about Incl. Filters in Air-Purifiers, shall we?
    Incl. Filter in air purifiers refers to the filters that help clean and purify the air you breathe. These filters are essential as they trap pollutants and allergens such as dust, pet dander, mold spores, and tobacco smoke particles before they reach your lungs. The type of filter used can greatly affect your experience with an air purifier – and that’s where our Dyson Puré Cool Me Desk Fan comes in!
    Now, I know what you’re thinking: Why on Earth would a doctor from Odessa need an air purifier? Well, my friend, let me tell you a little story. You see, doctors work long hours and are often exposed to various sicknesses and viruses. They need clean air just like everyone else! Plus, with the weather in Odessa being rather humid and hot during summer, having a cooling fan is just as important as having an air purifier. And our Dyson Puré Cool Me Desk Fan does both – it cleans your air while keeping you cool!
    So why choose our Carbon Filter? Well, firstly, it’s included in the price of our Desk Fan, which means no hidden costs or surprise charges. Secondly, it’s incredibly effective at trapping and neutralizing odors, chemicals, and gases like formaldehyde (which is common in new furniture and carpets). And finally, it helps reduce airborne particles that could cause allergies or asthma attacks – perfect for a doctor who needs to stay healthy!
    But wait, there’s more! We also have some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Air-Purifier experience:
    1. Place your air purifier near a window or door – this will help circulate fresh air into your room while filtering out pollutants.
    2. Keep pets away from your air purifier – pet dander and fur can quickly clog up filters, reducing their effectiveness.
    3. Use a HEPA filter for the best possible results – these filters are designed to trap even the smallest particles down to 0.3 microns!
    4. Regularly clean or replace your air purifier’s filter – most filters need to be replaced every 6-12 months, depending on usage.
    5. Consider investing in a larger model if you have a large living space or suffer from severe allergies/asthma.
    And now for a little humor: Did you hear about the doctor who got stuck in his air purifier? He couldn’t breathe for a minute there! …Or maybe it was just a bad joke about Odessa’s humid weather making people feel like they’re trapped inside an air purifier. But seriously, folks – our Dyson Puré Cool Me Desk Fan is the perfect solution for anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality while keeping cool during those hot summer days!

  2. August

    After stumbling upon the Dyson PurE Cool Me Desk Fan at the store located at 1710 Oceanside Blvd, Ocean City, California 92054, I’m absolutely thrilled with my purchase! This compact yet powerful desk fan has been a game-changer for me. It not only cools down my workspace but also purifies the air around it.
    One of the best features is its energy efficiency it uses less power than traditional fans while still providing strong airflow. The three adjustable speeds allow you to customize the breeze according to your preference, making it perfect for all seasons and climates. Plus, the sleek design blends seamlessly with any office or home decor.
    I’d highly recommend this product to anyone looking to invest in an eco-friendly air-purifier that also doubles as a fan. With its multiple benefits, the Dyson PurE Cool Me Desk Fan truly stands out from other alternatives available in stores today. So don’t wait any longer; upgrade your workspace comfort now!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly clean and maintain the Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan to ensure its longevity and optimal performance in purifying the air around me while I work at my desk?

To clean and maintain your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan, follow these steps:

1. Turn off and unplug the fan before cleaning. This will prevent any accidents or injury. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the entire unit, including the blades. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as this can damage the blades. If necessary, use a toothbrush or small brush to remove any dirt or debris from the crevices around the base and filter. Remove the filter from the fan by pulling it out gently. Rinse the filter under running water and allow it to air dry for at least 24 hours before replacing it back into the fan. Do not use a dishwasher or any other cleaning appliance to clean the filter, as this can damage its performance. Check the blades regularly for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any cracks or chips, stop using the fan immediately and contact Dyson customer service for assistance. Store the fan in a dry, cool place when not in use to prevent any damage from moisture or extreme temperatures. Check the fan's power cord and plug regularly for any signs of wear or fraying. If you notice any issues, stop using the fan immediately and contact Dyson customer service for assistance. Regularly check the fan's air intake filter to ensure it is clean and functioning properly. A clogged air intake filter can affect the fan's performance and purifying capabilities. Perform a full factory reset of your fan once every six months to ensure optimal performance and longevity. To do this, press and hold the "Auto" and "Sleep Timer" buttons simultaneously for three seconds until the display shows a message that says "Factory Reset. This will restore all default settings and reset any preferences you may have set up. Finally, always perform the task to the best of your ability to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan. By following these steps consistently, you can enjoy cleaner, purified air while working at your desk for years to come.

"How do I properly clean and maintain the filter of my Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan to ensure optimal performance?"

To keep your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan running at its best, it's essential to regularly clean and maintain the filter. Here's how you can do it properly:

1. Turn off and unplug the fan: Before starting any cleaning or maintenance work, make sure to switch off the fan and disconnect it from the power source. Remove the filter: To take out the filter, gently slide it out of its place by pulling it towards you. The filter is located behind the grille at the back of the fan. Clean the filter: Rinse the filter with water to remove any accumulated dust or debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive sponges as they may damage the filter's delicate mesh. If required, you can use a soft-bristled brush to gently loosen any stubborn dirt from the filter. Dry the filter: Thoroughly shake out excess water and allow the filter to air dry completely before reinstalling it. Do not blow dry or use a towel as it may leave lint behind, which can clog the filter again. It's best to let the filter air dry for at least 24 hours in a well-ventilated area. Reinstall the filter: Once the filter is completely dry, slide it back into its place at the back of the fan. Make sure that it's correctly aligned and securely locked in position. Clean the grille: After installing the filter, clean the grille on the front of the fan to remove any dirt or dust buildup. Use a soft-bristled brush or a dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe away any debris. Restart the fan: Plug in your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan and switch it on to check if everything is working correctly. The fan's airflow should be smooth and quiet, and there shouldn't be any strange noises or odors. By following these steps regularly, you can ensure that your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan operates efficiently and effectively for an extended period.

How do I effectively use the remote control to adjust the speed and oscillation settings on my Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan?

Ensure that your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan is properly connected to an electrical outlet and turned on. Locate the remote control, which should be included in the packaging or provided separately with your fan. Press and hold the power button on the remote control until the LED light begins flashing rapidly. This will pair the remote with the fan. To adjust the speed setting, press the "Speed" button on the remote control. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to increase or decrease the fan's speed level. The LED light on the fan will display the selected speed level. To toggle oscillation on or off, press the "Oscillate" button on the remote control. The LED light on the fan will display whether oscillation is enabled or disabled. Use the arrow buttons to adjust the direction of oscillation. Press and hold the arrow button until the LED light starts flashing rapidly, then release to select your preferred direction. To turn off the fan, press the power button on the remote control or on the fan itself. The LED light will fade out as the fan shuts down. Clean the remote control regularly with a soft, dry cloth to prevent dust accumulation and ensure continued functionality. Always handle the remote control with care to avoid damaging its delicate components. If you experience any issues with your Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan or remote control, refer to the user manual or contact Dyson customer support for assistance.

What is the operating area for Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan?

The operating area can tell us if the air purifier is right for us.

Features in Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan

The first thing to note about an air purifier is its functions and features. Dyson Pure Cool Me Desk Fan has just few features like display or remote controlled. You can also check its functions like air purification or cooling functionality. If you want to look at other devices with air purification check it here. Full list of features and functions of this air purifier you can find in the description above.